What We're Reading

Book Reviews by the staff of the Mendocino County Library

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Airtight by David Rosenfelt

David Rosenfelt is one of my light favorite mystery writers—I adore his Andy Carpenter series with its dry humor and abundance of golden retrievers. So, when I began Airtight, I was hoping for more Andy and not a little bit disappointed that this newest book features neither Carpenter or goldies. To tell the truth, I continued reading it just because I didn’t have any other TBR books at home. And then, little by little, I was sucked in until I found that I couldn’t put Airtight down. 

That’s one great job of turning a reluctant reader into an eager one, Mr. Rosenfelt.

After a newly appointed judge is murdered, Lt. Luke Somers is told to find the killer and close the case as quickly as possible. When Luke tries to interview a young drug addict and sees a gun in his hand, he shoots in self-defense. Case closed, until…

The junkie’s older brother, back from Special Forces duty, desires revenge and after kidnapping Luke’s brother, gives Luke seven days to find the real murderer and save Luke’s brother from a suffocating death.

Desperate to rescue his brother, Luke runs pell-mell after any and all possible alternative murder scenarios. 

Pick up a copy of Airtight and let us know what you think. 

Reviewed by Anne Shirako, Reference Librarian, Ukiah Branch



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