What We're Reading

Book Reviews by the staff of the Mendocino County Library

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Two -new to me- mystery authors

A friend called. We worked together a number of years ago at a Library in Marin County.
She recommended two mystery authors that I had not read.

Jane K Clelland
Consigned to Death: Josie Prescott left New York City after a series of difficult events and moved to the coast of New Hampshire (all 18 miles of it) and started her own antiques auction house. Being a murder mystery, she is almost immediately mixed up in murder. The descriptions of her business and her employees are entertaining and carry the story forward. There are several other Josie Prescott stories which follow.

Elizabeth Gunn
Kissing Arizona: This is Elizabeth Gunn's second mystery series. Sarah Burke is a detective in Tucson, Arizona trying to balance work, care of her drug addled sister's daughter and a bit of romance on the side and oh I forgot, her mother. Today's typical family story with murder added.

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Friday, May 13, 2011

Reference Books: Local plans & EIRs

Even if you are not interested in the subject, you can learn a lot about where you live
by looking at local environmental impact reviews and plans.

There are two recent publications:

Notice of preparation of a draft environmental impact report & notice of public scoping meeting & public review period, a Proposal to Construct the New Ukiah Courthouse for the Superior Court of Mendocino County. Currently they are considering two sites. The First is the "Library Site" bordered by Perkins St., Main St, Mason St and behind the properties front Smith St. The second under consideration is the "Railroad Depot Site" 309 Perkins St. It is interesting to note because the AOC, Administrative Office of the Courts, local government land use planning and zoning regulations would not apply to proposed courthouse project. I would never have known that without reading this.

Draft Ukiah Valley Area Plan Filled with great pictures, maps, graphs and local information.
This plan gives the reader the proposed changes in land use and discusses community development, population, housing, circulation and transportation, water management, energy and air quality, health and safety, open space and conservation, historical and archaeological preservation and parks and recreation. This is the plan for our community.

Both of these are Reference Books so they do not check out, but may be read at the Ukiah Library.

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Thursday, May 05, 2011

On Borrowed Time by David Rosenfelt

On Borrowed Time by David Rosenfelt

His biography says he lives with his wife and 27 Golden Retrievers something
I who have had, once and only once, 14 dogs (mostly rescue waiting to be adopted) have a hard time imagining.

That aside and having initially being attracted to his previous books because the dog was an essential part of the story. I enjoyed this dogless tale. This is a scary tale of Richard Kilmer who thinks he lost his true love in an automobile accident, only no one else in his life knows anything about her.

Can memories be implanted from the outside?

This was an interesting night's read. Hope you also enjoy it.


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